Etude 1 (Villa-Lobos) Study Guide


Etude 1 (Villa-Lobos) Study Guide is guaranteed to help not only help you learn this study, with micro studies into the chord shapes, and RH pattern. But it goes one step further to show you how to utilize it for a workout that will push your technique to new heights. Get your copy of 6 string inspiration today.

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Etude 1, by Villa-Lobos, is an in depth study guide that will help you get this challenging piece under your fingers. Within its pages you will find:

  • Learn the right hand pattern – solidly.
  • Chord shapes with detailed guide fingers.
  • How to improve your speed.
  • Extra lesson for using this etude to push your technique further.

Each lesson in this guide has been designed around the concept of micro studies – short essential etudes which assist and accelerate your learning process. Each micro study has been organized around the piece’s structure; so you will walk through the music with the micro studies. They will focus on whatever is technically relevant to that section, be it a barre chord, guide fingers or shifts. They have been carefully chosen to aid you in getting the piece up and into the performance realm as soon as possible.

And finally all the examples are in TAB, with LH fingering suggestions, so you will not get lost in the score. Here is Rhayn’s take on this piece, and why this guide will help you.

This study is one I personally utilize now as a warm-up exercise, before getting on stage, or in my daily routine. It works both hands wonderfully and gets the blood flowing when segmented into sections, truthfully I no longer just perform this (apart from when showing off a little), I milk it for all its technical worth to keep my chops sharps; which is what the guide is going to show you how to do. This is the study that kept my technique up, while I was stuck indoors due to COVID lock downs. So if you have limited time, this etude should be top of your list for warming up, and improving on.